Monday, April 20, 2009

A rainy Monday, indeed

Thanks for the sketchbook, Chelsea.


  1. im scared to think of what that means for your decision making, i dont have a clue of what a naked 18 foot alex would or would not do, especialy since the regular sized one of you though wafflebatter ice cream was a good idea- your dearest paul

  2. (p.s. you would have an amazing twitter, i would read it every day)

    (p.p.s. i carried you for nine months and you make me trek all the way across the internet in and out of tubes and through treacherous heaps of tasteless porn to read these chraming banalities about your everyday life)

    (p.p.p.s when theres a veitable party going on every day at the foot of my iphone, that you could be a part of)

    (p.p.p.p.s this is probably just convicing you how little you need me reading anthing about you on even a demi irregular basis)

    (on that note love and stay gold pony boy)

  3. You better show me every single thing you draw in there.
    And you're welcome. :)<3

  4. (p.s [since we're doing this now]
    I want to see Julian's. And I think I'm going to make one, just for shits and giggles.)
