Saturday, August 15, 2009

Check the back! Knives out!

Guess who's back from tour?


Holy God. I had a wonderful time. I met so many kind, genuine and all-around awesome people. It's nice knowing those could still be found in New England.
We "toured" the region over the course of a week and saw a myriad swell things. I could go into specifics, but I don't want this to be too text heavy. Some pictures were taken with my camera and those could illustrate my experiences a fair amount, I suppose. We had a few disposable cameras on us, as well...And those are like...mega Holgas when it comes to awkwardness, so get pumped.

Shoot, I realized that only two shows were documented on my camera. I know there were other performances taken on other people's much nicer cameras, so I'll track those down and link them here sooner or later!

Been trying not to slack too hard. Here's a sample of some little things I did while being a total rock star.

I should try and do like...a legitimate painting or something before school starts.


  1. Looks and sounds like an awesome, fun time! I'm super jealous!

  2. alex!

    glad you had a fun tour.
    now write me another letter.

    kidding...i'll see you at FIT soon.
